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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ruined Rural Economy - Renaissance of Farmers Part - 12

Encourages My dearest, ezine readers with your answer, I would be the analysis of the adverse effects of MM - PC Bank loan, I) referred to as Debt Loan Death Trap (DLDT the Government of India Economic Think Tank (ETT) vision. He has already sent more than 3,000 farmers to the gallows. Unfortunately, most of Asian farmers in general and the Indians have never been detected mainly that the vague Creamy Layers of Promises, Assurances and Dreams (CLOPAD) of Indian banks and governmentOfficials go to cause insurmountable problems for them. Simple and pious peasants never realized that the hidden loan rates is only going to snatch their meager land holdings, but also to make their country less to future generations. Had the long-term impact of these regulations DLDT were clearly defined and published before the release of loans, probably no farmer would have either committed suicide or made the loan.

On 25 April 2007, after an Indian farmer had committed openlySuicide in his fields, the fields for which he sweated all his life in care and watering, but now he has to commit suicide in the same fields under Creamy Layer of Promises to require Assurances and dreams of bad government policy. As die poor farmer, is also the Indian officials and politicians, but our mentors abroad should not be violated hoot. Wherever, a farmer has committed suicide, he had numerous attempts to save himself on his loans to his meager estate, but the corrupt doneOfficials had always created an insurmountable hurdle to delete their contributions. Most of the farmers, when found that they can save their land grabbing forced by banks, is what I term, that they "Hanged Till Death" (HID).

How pathetic is it that the farmer feeds that the people dying of hunger and injustice of the corrupt nations apathy in India and around the world? During my studies of a large part of agriculture, I found out that most farmers do not have been properly informed of theBank and government officials. The poor, illiterate and uneducated farmers were to win by several banks, national awards for victims of the maximum payout of loan. For the different loan disbursement to the Bank showing all available means to lure officers ETT Indian farmers, the agriculture industry to flourish. This, as Indian farmers are the victims, which detailed in other Asian countries should study?

After the analysis of the Indian mental ETTand MM - PC brain waves, I want to open the following items for discussion:

• First, why did agricultural sectors in the Asian countries in general and particularly in India recorded a sharp downturn trend in vegetable crops?

• Second, as farmers have been lured into the mythical DLDT concept plans for economic development?

• Third, why governments are not addressing the decline in crop production?

· Fourth, why the governmentsnot that the desire to promote home and not indulge in agriculture imports of food grains?

Five · why governments have not give enough impetus to agriculture?

Reader would be my views that the current ETT negligent approach of basic

Agricultural sector in India has resulted in the sky rocking price graphs. Although the five-star culture of bureaucrats and politicians were hardly affected, but an ordinary man has come the roads.

While an ordinary man,tries to meet the requirement of two times meals for his

Family, has been formed into a heart patient, but our foreign and foreign leaders to grow back thicker. The Heads of State and Government have not even thought of reviving our dwindling agricultural sector. How quickly these leaders and overthrow run on the stairs of Parliament from the irresponsible they think are measured during the planning of the economy? There is an urgent need for our leaders, on the dark glasses, the lookCorruption (BGC). Is it possible to remove the corruption, if germs of corruption are included in our blood?

I have been going through large number of articles on agriculture, but I would say that a model of growth in all countries, not applied uniformly in other countries. I have noticed that several western countries are trying different models to increase agricultural products, but Asian nations have developed to copy some of them without much success. Although the ever-growing demand of sugarBrazil is the world's famous on the one hand, the rubber has not hit Myanmar on the world by chance, but through a systematic and planned growth in others.

The greatest curse that has fallen to Asian farmers from the Ghost of Intellectual Property Right Order (GIPRO) of seeds of different crops of the Western nations Fox tirade after the World Trade met. Since most varieties of crop seeds were from the Americans and the Asians were to pay only European tutelage. ThesePatent rights have been patronized by the farmers not to use the companies and individuals who framed patent rules for poor nation. The Asian countries will compete in the world, loans, and ask some Western countries have sacrificed their farmers. Although some of the Asian countries have strong steps to protect their farmers, but most of them succumbed to World Bank loans taken over the long term trade tricks. The introduction of GIPRO in India have caused serious setback Indiantraditional farming methods. What am I to speak of other nations, almost seven species of the original species of food grains of wheat, rice, sugarcane, maize and pulses have disappeared from India only.

After discussing at length about the problems of farmers and the various causes of declining agricultural sectors would be, I propose that:

One and all Asian countries, government should do with the western concept of the loan and debt Economy (CLDE) to. Two, provide free seeds and fertilized for farmers with lessthan five acres of land, three to organize local community-based service sectors; Four, create local markets on my P-Cube's economic model of Procure, package and parcel services (PPP) of the cultures within ten kilometers of the area for a farmer to sell his Products, Five, creating the agricultural machinery on the basis of the Community agro Stores (CAB) system to facilitate small farmer from me to the growing and harvesting of plants with up to five acres of land on the minimum requirements for the fees; Six, offering expert advice for farmers to newand innovative techniques of agriculture and not sitting on television talk shows and talk without action. The different my nick named BWE should visit Book Worm experts help farmers in the seed. Seven; offer various pesticides and insecticides for farmers through subsidies and not the inflated prices of over 10,000 rupees rated to 12,000 rupees per kilogram. So far I have failed to analyze when each resource is available in this country than why a ten-gram tubeInsecticides cost more than 135 rupees? Eight, creating the National Calamity Crop Damage Assessment and Relief Committees (NCC-DARC) in each block and district levels, rather than each time to form a national group of corrupt people with doubtful integrity and loyalty to visit and evaluate. A large number of farmers are suffering year after year after liberation. May be cases of misappropriation of relief, as reviewed and will be avoided, nine; divide the whole country on the basis of Agro Crop Production Zones (CBAPZ)Promote the development of special economic zones (SEZ). What I intend to say that if states is a soil suitable for sugar cane cultivation, then all other states will be next to the state identified and encouraged to grow and grow sugar. After identifying a large area for sugar cane production to produce now SEZ for various industries for the production of sugar, molasses, wines and breweries, cards and paper mills and others to implement, based in Round one days of the products. It's exactly what Ireproduced as an economic Kalpna's Environment Loop (Kiel). Why should not build a state by such a wealth? Tenth, in the end I had to provide services on the principles of Door Step Services (SADS) and not as employees sit in air conditioned rooms to each file without delay under the hand weight suggests would increase. I have largely related to agriculture for more than four decades, I hope my views and models to promote the agricultural sector a viable option would have been differentGovernments to apply. I have to save the farmers' lives and hope that Indian government ETT would review the needs of modern agriculture ancient agricultural techniques and methods to improve agricultural products involved.

Tags : debt consolidation loans stock market today life insurance broker


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