During your adventures in Azeroth, you will surely much more can now be found to use as an order. Some who go to the Auction House to raise funds for you .... mount eh ... Love, and the rest will probably want to remember, because it looks shiny and new, remotely useful, or you're a pack rat like I am.
Blizzard only allows a limited number of in-game bank slots, which can be extended by the use of bags. May be in the bank bag slotspurchased at a price of 10 s for the first one up to 25g for 4 and above. Obviously, a lot of coins, just to store things, so careful management is required.
In his infinite wisdom, Blizzard also permits the use of other characters on the same server as "banks", ie they have no other purpose save as a material for your main characters. I personally have 4 or 5, but you should be playing in a position to manage with a single bank signs per character, or even by 2Characters played. The one I currently use is an 18th-level-babe-a-licious blood elf mage named Zallesta that I played for a while, then came the boredom.
Bench marks are set before dual. They should not merely as a collection of assorted stuff, but as a gold deposit and Auctioneer-in-Chief. This means that you send everything you should not be present to your bank. If you have an Lederer, keeping only the basics to get to your skill. All rare ingredients) (Pearls and whatnots should be sent for storage to the bank, and the leather you are not currently working. I know that in the case of leather, you can lower it more difficult to convert Leather (6 Thick Rugged one), but you can find better financially if you sell your lesser leather to your bank. In my case it works like this: I use still thick and sturdy, so anything less goes to the bank (Heavy, Medium, Light). It takes AN INCREDIBLEAmount of light to a single thickness leather or rugged, so that they sell easily. The same applies to substances after your first-aid level.
Has a few patches ago, Blizzard mail between characters on the same current account (more or less), so if you find that something you have to keep your bank, you must copy it very quickly and easily to and fro, and the price is pretty much invisible (30c per stack). Added to that the ability to send (up to 12 stacks by mail, such as the patch --2.3.0 I believe), has the benefit of the banks increased sharply.
Use your bank (or banks) as the primary auctioneers. You will be able to) concentrate all the material (for example, that your main character in the individual sends in clean 20-stacks, and so they sell. They will sell better, and your bank is left holding his money. This will safeguard the rule number 1 ( "Thou shalt not spend your cash frivolously eighth") is much easier, to reduce impulsivePurchases.
If your bank is your primary auctioneer, you will also be able to leave your lead character in remote areas for quests purposes, reducing the flight time and increased to the level increase.
If you find that you are a super pack rat, you can create a number of banks want - a food and so on as blacksmithing or leatherworking supplies, but in general it should not be necessary.
See Also : fund fund park apartments fund fund