FICTION: Offshore banking is not so good because it does not really offer the high interest rates they pay. Could they really be paid the rates U.S. banks would try to be competitive and have the same interest rates.
FACT: The detail with the financial statements of any U.S. bank. You will see that their "gross amount" gains against customer deposits of 25% to 40% - but - they have laws set in stone, to the interest amount it can pay its customers to limittheir deposits. U.S. banks make their profits in unnecessary frills and non-productive expenditure, such as fancy buildings, etc., while the offshore banking facilities do not do this and share their profits with their customers.
FICTION: offshore banking is not regulated, so you run the risk of all the money is deposited with them.
FACT: The truth is that each country has in the free world, regulations, rules and laws, financial institutions and banks. TheseRules, regulations and laws, but much less restrictive than the "protectionist" U.S. banks, the rules, regulations and laws and let the offshore banking sector, better way to much greater returns for their investors and savers to earn.
FICTION: offshore banking institutions are not insured by the FDIC
FACT: Some of the banks are not as many. If they are, they must comply with the same protectionist banking regulation andRules as all other banks FDIC insured. But the majority of offshore banking facilities is assured, one way or another.
Depositor protection insurance programs like the FDIC program have been established in some countries, so that the banks have their deposits insured in these countries. Independent insurance companies insure the deposits of offshore banking facilities in other countries and, unlike the FDIC to insure 100% of bank deposits, not just theunder $ 100,000. (Incidentally, some of the banks in the United States to insure their deposits with the independent insurance companies and many banks in the U.S. are not FDIC insured)
Offshore banking is "self-insured" for the most part that means the banks have a liquidity factor of 100% (or more) of the deposits on the books. The banks have $ 1 (or more) in cash for every $ 1 on deposit guarantee schemes instead. Therefore, there is no bank run, because they can cover any depositorDemand.
Self-insured offshore banking is actually safer than insured U.S. banks FDIC. Why? Since the FDIC insured U.S. banks have the right to maintain a liquidity factor of approximately 10 percent of their public deposits. (Is it any wonder why more U.S. banks, not every year than in any other country?)
What kind of bank you would feel safe with your money? An offshore banking institution, for like a dollar in cashevery dollar of deposit or a U.S. bank, which shows ten cents in cash for every dollar that, pending the filing statement they give to their customers?
FICTION: offshore banking is not as big or strong as U.S. banks.
FACT: The strongest and largest of the big banks in the world (assets) is a bank only in the United States:
Here are the safest offshore banks in the world, according to a ranking done in 2007, after examination of their total assets in the U.S.Dollars. This ranking will be included on the balance sheet data collected by
1 UBS AG, Switzerland 2 Barclays UK 3 The Royal Bank of Scotland Group UK 4 German Bank AG, Germany 5 BNP Paribas SA, France 6 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. Japan 7 ABN AMRO Holding NV, Netherlands 8 France 9 Credit Agricole, Societe Generale SA, France 10 Bank of America NA USA
2008/2009 UPDATE AFTER the financial collapse of 2008
Germany's largest bank, German Bank, reports afourth quarter loss of around 6.3 billion U.S. dollars. A year earlier, the Bank recorded a profit of around 1.3 billion U.S. dollars (1 billion), reported Bloomberg.
Royal Bank of Scotland is expected that losses in the amount of up to EUR 1.7 billion.
Bucking the trend, a bank is not even on the list above and the Bank Standard Chartered Bank, the expected profits of 1.3 billion pounds is the Office. I have a contact who can help you open an account with this bank for your business, if you wish. TheAccount would be in Hong Kong.
Another bank, I know, is a AAA-rating by independent rating service, and if you are not from the U.S. or if you are from the USA and have a foreign LLC or IBC to the account, you can then open with $ 15,000 occurrence and the parties receive their rent low and high deposit program, which has acquired the depositors to 100% per annum on their deposit. It is easy to open an account.
FICTION: offshore banking is not very good, or moreInstitutions could advertise their services in newspapers and magazines in the U.S.
FACT: Offshore banking is generally limited by law from advertising in magazines, newspapers, radio and television, when they come under the same protectionist rules and regulations that are placed on U.S. banks. Knowing that, you should think about the business of offshore banking a device advertises the public in the U.S. media to be careful. As you may be very sure that theyare sold out, the U.S. banks, the construction and furnishing in the end they will sell to those who make the rules.
FICTION: Offshore Banking is only for the rich.
FACT: About 25 years ago, this was true. But I know of about three offshore banking facilities to enable you to open an account for less than $ 500. One of them is in Asia, others in Europe and another in Latin America.
FICTION: opening an account, accompanied by aOffshore banking system is too difficult, and it is very difficult to obtain a withdrawal if you need it.
FACT: The opening an account with an offshore banking facility is simple, because you only have the instructions they give you to follow. Getting your money requires only a request that you include fax or e-mail with an attachment.
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